
Court of Appeals of Maryland
Judicial Selection Method: Hybrid
7 Judges
10 year terms
State High Court & Judicial Nominating Commission Composition & Terms of Judicial Nominating Commission* Judicial Selection Process Legal Authority
    • 17 members:
  • 12 persons appointed by the Governor
  • 5 persons submitted for appointment by the president of the Maryland state bar

Terms: 4 years (non-staggered)


  • Commission submits a list of at least three candidates from which the Governor may choose one.
  • The Governor’s appointment is subject to the Senate’s advice and consent.
  • At the end of a Judge’s term, the Judge is subject to a retention election by the voters of the appellate judicial circuit from which the Judge was appointed. (Appellate Judicial Circuit Map)

Interim Vacancies

  • Upon the occurrence of a vacancy, the Governor shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a person duly qualified to fill said office who shall hold the same until the election for continuance in office.
* Commission established pursuant to Executive Order

Percentage of Lawyers on the Nominating Commission

Who Selects the Nominating Commissioners?
  • Judicial Election

    Judges are elected by popular vote.
  • Democratic Appointment

    Judges are appointed directly by a democratic body, or appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of some democratic body.