
Supreme Court of Nevada
Judicial Selection Method: Election (Nonpartisan)
7 Justices
6 year terms
State High Court Judicial Selection Process Legal Authority

  • If the office is uncontested, the candidate goes to the ballot in the general election.
  • If the office is contested, the two candidates who received the most votes in the primary elections are candidates placed on the general election ballot.
  • The candidate who receives highest number of votes is elected to the Supreme Court of Nevada.
  • If two or more candidates tie, the legislature, by joint vote, elects one of the candidates for office.

Interim Vacancies

  • When a vacancy occurs before the expiration of any term of office in the Supreme Court, the court of appeals, or among the district judges, the Governor shall appoint a justice or judge from among three nominees selected for such individual vacancy by the Commission on Judicial Selection.
  • The term of office of any justice or judge so appointed expires on the first Monday of January following the next general election.
  • Each nomination for the Supreme Court or the court of appeals must be made by the permanent Commission.
  • Judicial Election

    Judges are elected by popular vote.
  • Democratic Appointment

    Judges are appointed directly by a democratic body, or appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of some democratic body.