New Mexico

New Mexico Supreme Court
Election (Partisan)
5 Justices
8 year terms
State High Court Judicial Selection Process Legal Authority

  • In a partisan primary election, the candidate who receives a majority of the votes is placed on the ballot for the partisan general election.
  • The candidate who receives the highest number of votes in the partisan general election is elected to the New Mexico Supreme Court.
  • If there is a tie, the winner is chosen by lot.
  • At the end of a Justice’s term, a retention election is held, at least 57% of the vote is required for retention.

Interim Vacancies

  • Upon the occurrence of an actual vacancy in the office of justice of the supreme court or judge of the court of appeals, the commission shall meet within thirty days and within that period submit to the Governor the names of persons qualified for the judicial office and recommended for appointment to that office by a majority of the commission.
  • The Governor shall fill a vacancy or appoint a successor to fill an impending vacancy in the office of justice of the supreme court or judge of the court of appeals within thirty days after receiving final nominations from the commission by appointing one of the persons nominated by the commission for appointment to that office.
  • Judicial Election

    Judges are elected by popular vote.
  • Democratic Appointment

    Judges are appointed directly by a democratic body, or appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of some democratic body.