Author: Scott Gaylord
State High Court | Judicial Selection Process | Legal Authority |
Interim Vacancies
Latest News
- Young voters disproportionately affected by Griffin challenges - WHQR
- A Stress Test for Democracy: Will the North Carolina Supreme Court Allow a GOP Candidate To Steal a Seat on the Bench? - Democracy Docket
- NC undecided race | New push on to finalize tight NC Supreme Court race between Jefferson Griffin and Allison Riggs - ABC11 Raleigh-Durham
- NC Supreme Court Upholds ‘Look Back’ Window of SAFE Child Act - MinistryWatch
- Why North Carolina's Supreme Court race remains undecided - CBS News
- State elections board confirms it will seek NC Supreme Court review of Griffin/Riggs dispute - Carolinacoastonline
- State elections board confirms it will seek NC Supreme Court review of Griffin/Riggs dispute - Carolina Journal
- Like Trump, Jefferson Griffin May Be One Vote Away From Overturning a State’s Election Result - Democracy Docket
- South Carolina Supreme Court hears challenge to state's six-week abortion ban - Greenville News
- South Carolina Supreme Court weighs challenge to controversial six-week abortion law -
Public Funding of Judicial Campaigns: The North Carolina Experience and the Activism of the Supreme Court
Author: Paul D. Carrington
Scholarship & White Papers
2014 North Carolina Supreme Court Judicial Candidate Forum – Event Video
Triangle Lawyers Chapter, September 23, 2014 – Event Video
N.C. Appeals Court, Supreme Court candidates answer questions in Federalist Society forum
Triangle Lawyers Chapter, 26 September 2012 – Event Audio/Video
Judicial Selection in North Carolina
Triangle Lawyers Chapter, 16 February 2012 – Event Audio/Video
Featuring: Brian T. Fitzpatrick, Scott W. Gaylord, Carrie Severino, Robert T. Numbers
North Carolina Appellate Judicial Candidates Forum
Triangle Lawyers Chapter, 21 September 2010 – Event Audio/Video
Featuring: Robert Shaw, Willis Whichard, Barbara Jackson, Sanford Steelman, Rick Elmore, Steven Walker, Ann Marie Calabria, Jane Gray, Martha Geer, Dean R. Poirrier
North Carolina Judicial Candidate Forum
Piedmont Triad Lawyers Chapter, 7 September 2010 – Event Audio/Video
Featuring: Bob Buckley, Barbara Jackson, Sanford Steelman, Rick Elmore, Stephen Walker, Ann Marie Calabria, Jane Gray, Martha Geer, Dean R. Poirier
North Carolina Supreme Court Judicial Candidate Forum
Triangle Lawyers Chapter, 27 October 2008 – Event Audio/Video
Featuring: Robert Edmunds, Suzanne Reynolds, Willis Whichard
Media & Commentary
North Carolina Appellate Court Decides when Municipality May Be Held Liable in Public Park Case
In June 2007, seventeen-year-old Eric Williams died tragically at a public park in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Eric was attending a high school graduation party when he drowned in a “swimming hole” in Fun Junktion Park, which a friend’s parents had rented out from the Pasquotank County Parks and Recreation Department. In the ensuing lawsuit, Williams v. Pasquotank County,1 Eric’s estate sued the county and the department for the young man’s wrongful death, alleging that the “swimming hole” was unsafe.
North Carolina Appellate Court Questions the Constitutionality of Campus Police at Universities with Religious Heritages in State v. Yencer
In late August, as colleges and universities across North Carolina were preparing to welcome back their students, the North Carolina Court of Appeals issued an opinion that calls into question the constitutionality of campus police forces at any institution of higher learning that is in any way affiliated with a religious institution. In State v. Yencer,1 a unanimous three judge panel of the North Carolina Court of Appeals ruled that the “the delegation of police power to Davidson College, pursuant to § 74G, is an unconstitutional delegation of ‘an important discretionary governmental power’ to a religious institution in the context of the First Amendment.”2 The opinion reaches beyond its specific facts, calling into question the legitimacy of campus police forces of any college or university that has ever been affiliated with organized religion.
Habeas Petitioner Denied Use of Sentence Reduction Credits
In Jones v. Keller,1 the North Carolina Supreme Court denied a prisoner’s release after the prisoner asserted he had completed his sentence through a combination of time served and sentence reduction credits. The court deferred to the Department of Corrections’ contention that the credits were awarded only for limited purposes.